
Truman Scholarship
The Truman Scholarship is a very competitive national scholarship awarded to students who have exceptional leadership potential and who are committed to careers in government, the nonprofit or advocacy sectors, education, or elsewhere in public service.

Find details about this scholarship and the application process on the Harry S. Truman Foundation website. 

Diehl-McCrory Scholarship
A scholarship endowment for rising seniors honoring two long-time San Antonio political journalists — Kemper Diehl and James McCrory.


Student Financial Services

Find out more scholarship and financial aid information through the Office of Student Financial Services.

Student Financial Services


Students have opportunities to participate in national meetings and present scholarly papers.

Office of Experiential Learning

Undergraduate research is central to Trinity University's values. The Office of Experiential Learning provides a place for students to gain information about internships, community service and service-learning opportunities, beyond the classroom course projects, and undergraduate research opportunities.

Study Abroad

Today, cross-cultural understanding is as much a practical necessity as an educational standard. Study abroad is an embodiment of the liberal arts ideals and a sign of the initiative and breadth often looked for by employers.

Political Science students can study abroad, spend a semester in D.C., or attend a Trinity Study Abroad program in Berlin, The Hague, China, and Japan, among others.

Get Started

The Study Abroad Office can help you find an opportunity based on your interests and/or studies. 

Study Abroad Office


Trinity students have worked locally with the federal judges, interned at the White House, Supreme Court, British Parliament, European Parliament, and been a part of influential campaign efforts. For internships, contact David Crockett.

Federal District Court Judge Internship
Junior students or students that have taken Judicial Process, Constitutional Law, or Civil Rights and Liberties are selectively picked for these internships. The intern assists the office manager with administrative tasks of the judicial chambers, observes court and naturalization proceedings, and has the opportunity to discuss legal issues with the administrative assistant, law clerks, and sometimes the judge. For more information, contact John Hermann


Honor Societies

Pi Sigma Alpha
The nationally recognized political science honor society, Pi Sigma Alpha, "stimulates scholarship and intelligent interest in political science." Trinity's Xi Omicron Chapter accomplishes this mission by hosting events, leading discussion groups, bringing together members of the San Antonio community with PSA students, promoting student publications, and encouraging civic participation.

Founded in 1984 by professor Guy Poitras of the political science department, Xi Omicron recognizes academic achievement of Trinity University students within the discipline of political science. Students must have completed 10 credit hours in political science, have a 3.4 GPA in political science, and a 3.25 cumulative GPA to qualify for membership in Xi Omicron. Applications are available in the political science department, Storch Building, room 105.

Student Awards and Recognition

Pi Sigma Alpha Award
Trinity honors one graduating senior with an outstanding track record of achievement in the area of political science.